Courage - Hope - Respect

‘Everything is possible for one who believes’ Mark 9:23


Thank you for visiting the Governors section of the school website. I would like to introduce myself and tell you a bit about our work as a governing body.

I have been a governor at the school for over 5 years. I was initially the Vice-Chair of governors and have been the Chair of governors since September 2020. I was a teacher for forty years and I taught at St George’s school during my teaching career, so I was delighted to be asked by the Diocese of Portsmouth to be a governor at the school.

The governing body has a maximum of 12 governors and as volunteers with different backgrounds and life experiences we work together to fulfill the three main responsibilities of governance which are: ensuring there is a clear strategic vision, overseeing the school’s financial performance and ensuring money is well spent, and holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the pupils.

We do this in many ways including holding regular meetings, by visiting the school to talk to staff and pupils, and attending school events and training. We also appoint the Headteacher of the school.

The governing body is interested in hearing the views of stakeholders and you are welcome to contact me through the school office team or

Lorraine Drinkwater
Chair of Governors

Below is a short video explaining the role of school governors and trustees.

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St. George's Beneficial Church of England Primary School

Hanover Street, Portsea
Portsmouth PO1 3BN

023 9282 2886

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